Friday 29 August 2014

Grow 1-2 inch hairs in 7 days :

Grow 3 inch hairs in 7 days :

Massage an oil of your choice onto your scalp. Olive oil is recommended, but you can experiment with any oil you have on hand.

Do a simple inversion for 4 minutes. (Suggested positions: (i) sitting in a chair or on a couch and lowering your head slightly toward feet as if you are painting your toe nails or (ii) standing at kitchen sink and lowering head as if you are getting ready to wash your hair.)
If you have any of the following conditons, you should avoid inversion COMPLETELY: pregnancy, hernia, low or high blood pressure*, recent stroke, heart or circulatory problems, glaucoma, conjunctivitis (“pink eye”), detached retina, spinal injury, swollen joints, osteoporosis, unhealed fractures or injuries, ear infection, obesity, or are otherwise unhealthy.
** avoid attempting the inversion method during menstruation when your blood flow is already being manipulated physiologically.
If at anytime during the inversion you feel dizzy,
drowsy/sleepy, or abnormal in ANY way,
SLOWLY move out of the position.
Repeat every day for ONLY 7 consecutive days (i.e., Sunday to Saturday).
Wait at least 3 weeks between each attempt. Otherwise, your body gets used to the extra blood flow, and the method won’t work as well, if at all. Or, at worst, you become susceptible to some dangerous health risks. So, only attempt to do this over seven consecutive days once per mon
th. No more!
Enjoy your new growth!

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